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匹配条件: “ Alma Zavodnik Lamov?ek” ,找到相关结果约8531条。
Prostorsko planiranje na poti k sistemski ureditvi
Alma Zavodnik Lamovek
Urbani Izziv , 2003,
Abstract: V prispevku je opisana iroka paleta vpra anj in problemov, ki nastajajo v vsakodnevni praksi na podro ju prostorskega planiranja, tudi v razmerju med dr avnim in lokalnim prostorskim planiranjem. Vpra anja in problemi so metodolo ke, vsebinske in proceduralne narave ter se ti ejo celovitega sistema prostorskega planiranja v Sloveniji. Izpostavljeni so vloga planiranja na ravni lokalne skupnosti, pristojnosti glede prostorskega razvoja na njenem obmo ju ter mo nosti usklajevanja z dr avnimi, predvsem sektorskimi interesi. Odprta so tudi vpra anja nove sistemske ureditve prostorskega planiranja z uvedbo novih prostorskih aktov in planiranja na regionalni ravni, ki v zakonu o urejanju prostora sistemsko in procesno e niso ustrezno re ena. V sklepnem delu je podanih nekaj predlogov za vzpostavitev sistema prostorskega planiranja, ki bo sodoben, usklajen, fleksibilen, odprt in usmerjen v sodobne re itve in premagovanje togosti tradicionalnih postopkov prostorskega planiranja.
Spatial planning on route to a systems solution
Alma Zavodnik Lamovek
Urbani Izziv , 2003,
Abstract: The article deals with a broad palette of questions and issues emerging from day-to-day practice in physical planning, even in relations between national and local physical planning. The questions and issues apply to methodology, content and procedures and concern the entire system of physical planning in Slovenia. Emphasis is given to the role of planning on the local community level, authority concerning spatial development in its territory and possibilities for mediation between national, above all, departmental interests. Questions concerning the new systems arrangement are also raised, stemming from the introduction of new planning acts and planning on the regional level, whereby the system and procedure haven’t been satisfactorily solved in the new law on physical planning. In conclusion certain proposals for the establishment of a physical planning system are presented, a system which could be modern, harmonised, flexible, open and oriented towards modern solutions, as well as overcoming the rigidity of traditional procedures in physical planning.
Functional Urban Areas as Instruments of Spatial Development Policy at the Regional Level in the Case of Slovenia
Drobne, Samo,Zavodnik Lamovek, Alma
- , 2017, DOI: 10.31522/p.25.2(54).3
Abstract: Sa?etak Over the recent decades, the concept of functional urban areas [FUAs] has been relatively independently established in many countries around the world. The paper first addresses the FUA concepts and their application. T hereafter, a FUA analysis is conducted using an adapted version of the m ethodology used by OECD and Eurostat on the case of Slovenia. Results showed that the existing network of urban centres is solid enough so that FUAs are formed around them, which will in time grow into more solidly delineated functional regions [FRs]
Small and Medium-size Towns as the Basis of Polycentric Urban Development : Majhna in srednje velika mesta kot ogrodje policentri nega urbanega razvoja
Alma Zavodnik Lamovek,Samo Drobne,Tadej ?aucer
Geodetski Vestnik , 2008,
Abstract: The paper discusses the role of small and mediumsize towns in the polycentric settlement network of Slovenia. The roles of settlements in a network are affected not only by the number of inhabitants in asettlement or region, but also by several other factors. The paper, therefore, focuses especially on the set of indicators that would delineate the difference between large, medium-size and small settlements in Slovenia as well as in comparison to other European countries. The research approach to the topic is introduced,including the design of an analytical model, whereby the findings of previous studies are used on a comparative basis. The most significant results of a survey on the role of the settlements in a network are presented. The study was performed in two parts. Inthe first part, a quantitative analysis at the national scale was performed, based on the defined indicators, and in the second part a qualitative analysis of the survey was performed. Having used thirteen indicators, we first distinguished between the settlements to be considered as towns and between other kinds of settlements in the territory of Slovenia. The same indicators were further used to distinguish between large, medium-size and small towns. Based on theanalysis, an assessment of the role of individual small and medium-size towns in different regions is given. The qualitative approach also gave certain answers regarding the actual and potential connection of urban settlements into conurbations, which have been partly defined in the national legislation.
Majhna in srednje velika mesta kot ogrodje policentri nega urbanega razvoja : Small and Medium-size Towns as the Basis of Polycentric Urban Development
Alma Zavodnik Lamovek,Samo Drobne,Tadej ?aucer
Geodetski Vestnik , 2008,
Abstract: V prispevku je obravnavana problematika vloge majhnih in srednje velikih mest v policentri nem omre ju naselij v Sloveniji. Na vlogo posameznih naselij v omre ju naselij vpliva ve dejavnikov, ne le tevilo prebivalcev v naselju ali regiji. V prispevku je zatoposeben poudarek na izboru kazalnikov, s katerimi bi lahko opredelili razliko med velikimi, srednje velikimi in majhnimi mesti, posebej v Sloveniji in v primerjavi z drugimi evropskimi dr avami. Predstavljen je raziskovalni pristop k tematiki in oblikovanjuanaliti nega modela, pri emer so primerjalno uporabljeni izsledki predhodnih raziskav. Predstavljeni so pomembnej i rezultati ankete o vlogi obravnavanih naselij v omre ju. Raziskava je bila izvedena v dveh delih. V prvem delu smo izvedli kvantitativno analizo na nacionalni ravni, na podlagi opredeljenih kazalnikov, v drugem pa smo izdelali kvalitativno analizo anketnih vpra alnikov. S pomo jo trinajstih opredeljenih kazalnikov smo za Slovenijo najprej dolo ili razmejitev med naselji, ki jih pri tevamo med mesta, in ostalimi naselji. S pomo jo istih kazalnikov smo nadalje dolo ili razmejitev med velikimi, srednje velikimi in majhnimi mesti. Na osnovi izdelane analize je podana ocena vloge posameznih majhnih in srednje velikih mest po regijah. Kvalitativni pristop omogo a tudi odgovore glede dejanskega in potencialnega povezovanja mestnih naselij v somestja, deloma e opredeljena v dr avnih dokumentih.
Analiza izvajanja veljavnega prostorskega plana Slovenije z vidika obrambe : Analysis of Implementing the Current Spatial Plan of the Republic of Slovenia concerning the Sector of Defens
Samo Drobne,Alma Zavodnik Lamovek,Marjan ?eh,Miran Ferlan
Geodetski Vestnik , 2003,
Abstract: Defense is despite its admittedly lesser recognizability one of the more significant aspects that need to be considered in the course of urban and spatial planning. With the formation of the new legislation and new strategic documents on spatial planning the role of the defense had to be re-evaluated. Accordingly, a thorough research entitled Professional Bases concerning the Sector of Defense in the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Slovenia was carried out. In this paper the results of the research are presented only with reference to the part giving an overview and comparison of the planned and actual situation in spatial planning. The historical and descriptive work methods were applied, additionally, a survey carried out among Slovene municipalities and administrative units provided an important insight. The survey results implied general knowledge of legislation, situation and problem issues regarding the sector of defense within the framework of implementing the current Spatial Plan of the Republic of Slovenia.
Ga?per Mrak, Alma Zavodnik Lamovek, Alenka Fikfak
AR : Arhitektura, Raziskave , 2012,
Abstract: Tourism is a form of the biggest peaceful migrations of people andat the same time a way of life, which affects their understandingand experiences about their journeys [Kova , 2002: 4]. It isrelated with the consummation of goods and services, which areunnecessary in their essence. In recent years an increasinglyfrequent tourist trend has developed, the desire and demandfor untouched nature, cultural, historical and archaeologicalattractiveness, first hand experiences of practices and traditions oflocal communities, recreation and healthy living, etc. The purposeof the article is to show an overview of the development and modernforms of tourism in the rural area and the main direction for thedevelopment of ecotourism. We examined the Alpine region as aspecial case, which, owing to its characteristics, is a particularlysuitable area for the development of such forms of tourism. Aconscious conversion of abandoned dwellings and cheese dairiesin to tourist accommodation facilities or apartments, supplied orunsupplied shelters is a way of keeping them alive. They could beused either as starting points for hiking or climbing tours into themountains or as shelters during bad weather. With this in mindan idea of a dispersed hotel emerges. The main purpose of sucha hotel is to unite the characteristics of the area with the localcommunity with their activities. For the tourist this would meana brand new and interesting experience. We therefore concludethat the dispersed hotel is an innovative form of hospitality thatpromotes sustainable development, provides the possibility andthe opportunity for balancing the use of local resources and touristpotential.
Development of settlement systems: From ideas on centrality to dispersion
Alma Zavodnik
Urbani Izziv , 1998,
Abstract: The problem of settlement systems development includes spatial as well as temporal components. The method of responding to the questions of settlement systems’ development on the national and regional level of any country is becoming more and more complex. The core of the article presents cognition and comprehension of existing settlement patterns, the main purpose of these processes being the formulation of guidelines for their future development. Identification of particular settlement pattern elements, which are researched as spatial phenomena, are stressed (morphologic analysis of settlement patterns). Six different settlement patterns, selected from different European countries (Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Croatia), are presented for the purpose of comparison and additional argumentation. Some solutions for future development guidance of settlement systems’ in the growingly complex relations within developed societies have been presented in the conclusion.
Razvoj sistemov poselitve: od ideje centralnosti do disperzije
Alma Zavodnik
Urbani Izziv , 1998,
Abstract: Problem razvoja sistemov poselitve zajema poleg prostorske tudi asovno komponento. Pristopi k re evanju vpra anj usmerjanja poselitve predvsem na regionalni in nacionalni ravni (katerekoli dr ave) so zato vse kompleksnej i. Jedro prispevka je osredoto eno predvsem v spoznavanje in razumevanje obstoje ih poselitvenih vzorcev, z namenom oblikovanja usmeritev za njihov nadaljnji razvoj. Poudarek je zato na prepoznavanju posameznih elementov poselitvenih vzorcev, ki jih opazujemo kot pojav v prostoru (morfolo ka analiza poselitvenih vzorcev). Za primerjavo in dodatno utemeljitev je bilo izbranih est razli nih poselitvenih vzorcev iz Slovenije, Avstrije, Nem ije, vice, Italije in Hrva ke. V zaklju ku so izpostavljene nekatere mo nosti nadaljnjega vplivanja na razvoj poselitve v vse bolj kompleksnih razmerah razvitih zahodnih dru b.
Mesto # Cyberspace. Nove dimenzije urbanosti nasprotje ali nadaljevanje informacijske avtoceste?
Alenka Fikfak,Alma Zavodnik
Urbani Izziv , 1997,
Abstract: Z izgradnjo tunela, ki povezuje Evropo z Veliko Britanijo, je postalo mesto Lille bli e centru Londona kot sama londonska periferija. To je nov na in mobilnosti urbane dru be ... Sistem razli nih hitrosti e obstaja v mestu/prostoru in modificira tako na o percepcijo kot uporabo prostora. Te hitrosti/silnice imajo razli ne karakterje in smernice. Uravnavajo se preko posameznih plasti, katerih skupek predstavlja kaoti nost , kompleksnost fizi ne strukture, ki se uravnava preko menjajo ih se interakcij med uporabniki. Struktura ni ve stati na, nenehno je v gibanju. Centralna to ka prostora je lovek/individuum. Prepletanje gibanja, hitrosti in namembnosti utrjuje disperzijo, ki je odgovor na negativne silnice nakopi enosti, koncentracije, zaprtosti in stati nosti prostora, na spreminjajo e se socialne, ekonomske, politi ne in gospodarske pogoje.

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